The coalition of community leaders and elected officials who are supporting my candidacy keeps growing! Today I am proud to announce that Assemblymember Phil Ting (D) has endorsed our campaign!
Assemblymember Ting serves as Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee and is the first Asian-American to hold the position. Throughout his tenure, Ting has been a formidable force in the Assembly: he was named Chair of the Assembly Democratic Caucus on his first day in office, and previously chaired the Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation as well as the Select Committee on Asia/California Trade and Investment Promotion. He was also the driving force in the Legislature behind the creation of the Homeless Emergency Aid Program, which was the first time the state directly allocated resources for cities, counties, and Continuums-of-Care to address the homelessness crisis.
Here is just a partial list of our endorsements, with many more to be announced soon!
- LGBTQ+ Victory Fund
- California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus
- Sacramento Stonewall Democrats
- Progressive Democrats of Benicia
- Rio Vista Democratic Club
Elected Officials and Community Leaders
- U.S. Rep. Robert Garcia, Chair of the House Freshman Democrats and co-chair of the Congressional Equality Caucus
- State Assemblymember Phil Ting
- State Assemblymember Helen Thomson (Ret.)
- State Senator Lois Wolk (Ret.)
- Yolo County Supervisor Angel Barajas
- Yolo County Supervisor Lucas Frerichs
- Yolo County Supervisor Mike McGowan (Ret.)
- Yolo County Supervisor Oscar Villegas
- Benicia Mayor Steve Young
- Benicia Vice Mayor Terry Scott
- Isleton Mayor Pam Bulahan
- Isleton Councilmember David Kent
- Davis Mayor Ruth Uy Asmundson (Ret.)
- Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg
- West Sacramento Vice Mayor Quirina Orozco
- West Sacramento City Councilmember Dawnte Early
- West Sacramento City Councilmember Verna Sulpizio Hull
- West Sacramento City Councilmember Babs Sandeen (Ret.)
- Winters Vice-Mayor Albert Vallecillo
- Winters City Councilmember Jesse Loren
- Winters City Councilmember and Solano Community College Trustee Mike Martin (ret.)
- Woodland Mayor Vicky Fernandez
- Woodland City Councilmember Mayra Vega
- Woodland Vice Mayor Tania Garcia-Cadena
- Woodland City Councilmember Tom Stallard
- Woodland Mayor Xochitl Rodriguez Murillo (Ret.)
- Woodland Mayor Skip Davies (Ret.)
- Woodland Mayor Enrique Fernandez (Ret.)
- Davis Unified School District Trustee Marty West (Ret.)
- Davis Unified School District Trustee Vigdis Asmundson (Ret.)
- Napa Valley College Trustee Ines de Luna
- Solano Community College Trustee Quinten Voyce
- Washington Unified School District Trustee Jackie Thu-Huong Wong
- Washington Unified School District Trustee Katie Baker Villegas (Ret.)
- Washington Unified School District Trustee Christi Barnas (Ret.)
- Woodland Unified School District Vice President Deborah Bautista Zavala
- Woodland Unified School District Trustee Bibiana Garcia
- Yolo County Superintendent of Schools Garth Lewis
- Yolo County Board of Education President Dr. Tico Zendejas
- Yolo County Public Guardian Cass Sylvia (Ret.)
- Yuba Community College Trustee Jesse Ortiz
- Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Director Dave Tamayo
- Acting Lt. Governor Mona Pasquil Rogers (Ret.)
- California Democratic Party Filipino American Democratic Caucus Treasurer Frank Aurelio Yokoyama
- California Democratic Party Filipino American Democratic Caucus Past Chair Joselyn Geaga-Rosenthal
- Filipinos For Biden National Co-Chair Mark Pulido
- Filipino American Association of American Canyon President Elmer Manaid
- Filipino American Association of American Canyon Past President Anthony Quicho
- Filipino American Chamber of Solano County Past President Joey Palma
- Filipino American Lawyers Association Secretary Derek Ledda
- Filipino Community of Sacramento & Vicinity President Dick Mazon
- Filipino Family Fraternity President Ling Avera
- Filipino Fiesta President Murray Navarro
- Filipino Women’s Club President Leila Pereira
- Filipino Women’s Club Past President Josie Patria
- National Alliance for Filipino Veterans Equity National Coordinator Ben De Guzman (Ret.)
- Philippine National Day Association Past President Cynthia Bonta
- Aklan Assocation President Danny Yap-Diangco
- Ilocano Foundation of California President Alex Avera
- Vallejo Pista Sa Nayon Cultural Committee Chair Eloise Escano Scott
- UC Davis and Sacramento City College Tagalog Professor Sorcy Apostol
*Titles for identification purposes only