Over the course of my public service, I sought to be strategic about growing in a way that created opportunity for all while protecting the character of our region. I achieved this by promoting smart, sustainable community development. This commitment is a key component of our campaign.
When I served as chair of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, I had the privilege of leading a ground-breaking “Blueprint” which sought to address climate change by promoting the development of sustainable communities. This means prioritizing transit-oriented development and creating environments where people can live, work and play. This was the first major policy built on the idea that we can – and must – build much more housing and simultaneously protect our natural legacy, working landscapes, and habitats.
This blueprint ultimately served as the underlying principles in California’s landmark legislation, “The Sustainable Communities and ClimateProtection Act,” which is now a core component of California’s strategy to combat climate change. I am also honored to be supported by the author of that legislation, former President Pro Tem of the State Senate and current Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg.
The Blueprint became and remains a nationally recognized model for addressing climate change. In fact, I had the privilege of testifying before the United States Senate highlighting our successes.
Now, the planning paradigm has been changed, with metropolitan regions integrating transportation, housing, and land-use plans that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It’s a testament to what we can achieve when we prioritize sustainability and work together towards a common goal. These are exactly the types of policies I will continue to champion as your State Senator.